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Registered Agent Listings Summary for
>> - Click to visit their site.
That's right, we offer FREE Registered Agent Service for your Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin or Wyoming Business Entity.

If you have an existing or are forming a new Corporation, Limited-Liability Company, Limited Partnership, Foreign Filing or any other corporate entity, almost every jurisdiction requires by law that you must have a registered agent (aka Resident Agent) located in that jurisdiction.

Registered Agent service (aka: Resident Agent service) alone can cost you up to $310 per year with some companies however; through an affiliation with InCorp Services, Inc. will provide your first year of registered agent service with us for FREE and $99 per year thereafter - or we will match any competitor's offer for service after the first free year!

Included in the service is full access to InCorp's industry leading client website where you may check the status of your entities in multiple jurisdictions on the same page, check compliance events, download or view FREE copies of your filed documents at any time from anywhere, make payments to your account and even check for mail that's been forwarded to you!

There is no catch whatsoever except that the corporate entity requiring service can't currently be represented by InCorp already. After the first year, if you choose to stay with InCorp, you will pay just $99 per year for the same great services - or we will price match any competitor's offer!

Registered Agent Details for
    > Service in all 50 states and the District of Columbia (DC)
    > Exceeds state registered agent requirements
    > Online application that accepts credit card payment and provides registered agent address immediately
    > Free regular mail, fax or "instant" email forwarding of official correspondence
    > Free access to online entity management tools
    > Free proprietary EntityWatch® service
    > Free Online Compliance Calendar Service
    > Free Online Entity Tracking
    > On ordering online, registered address can be provided 24 hours a day
    > Accepts payments online
    > Registered agent is an entity and not an individual
    > Toll-Free phone number posted on their website
    > Free online corporate document storage and retrieval (Free copies of your filings whenever you need them!)
    > Extended service hours - Open 12 hours a day from 6am until 6pm (PST)
    > No additional start of service fee

Additional Information About
>> Offers free first year in all jurisdictions (or alternatively will absorb state change of agent fee).

Click to visit

Reference Only
Below are the yearly registered agent fees (in US dollars) for each state that has listed on our site. You can click on the states below if you want to see how prices compare to other registered agents listed in the state.
AK 99, AL 99, AR 99, AZ 99, CA 99, CO 99, CT 99, DC 99, DE 99, FL 99, GA 99, HI 99, IA 99, ID 99, IL 99, IN 99, KS 99, KY 99, LA 99, MA 99, MD 99, ME 99, MI 99, MN 99, MO 99, MS 99, MT 99, NC 99, ND 99, NE 99, NH 99, NJ 99, NM 99, NV 99, NY 99, OH 99, OK 99, OR 99, PA 99, RI 99, SC 99, SD 99, TN 99, TX 99, UT 99, VA 99, VT 99, WA 99, WI 99, WV 99, WY 99, and perhaps other locations not listed on

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